Many years ago, Suze Orman shared her perspective of the 8 qualities of a wealthy woman. At first glance, I thought it would center on finances only, but it embodied so much more. Although she had her personal explanation of each point, I decided to share her points coupled with my perspective.
1&2. Harmony & Balance:
Too much of anything, no matter how good it is, will end up being bad. We as women, tend to give a lot to everything and end up being unbalanced, frustrated, neglectful to ourselves, and unfulfilled. Sometimes, in your quest to be everything to everyone, you lose yourself. In doing that, everything you do will eventually crumble, because that type of behavior can’t last forever if you expect to be successful. Harmony and balance will cause you and everything that you do to work together for the greater good. When you’re complete, content, and balanced within yourself, you can be and do so much more.
3. Courage:
It takes a lot to accomplish all that you desire, especially in the so-called “man’s world.” Let’s be real — although women have made many strides, we are still being paid less and it still takes more effort to be heard than the opposite sex. It’s not right, but it’s the current reality. Knowing this, we have to be courageous in the things that we do. It may not always be easy or comfortable, but when you step out on faith, and use the strength and courage that every woman naturally embodies, there’s nothing that you can’t do!
4. Generosity:
“It’s always better to give than receive.” I’m sure you’ve heard that saying before. Yes, it’s always nice to be given something, but there’s a special joy that only comes with giving. One of the ways we women love is by giving of ourselves whether it be through the giving of life by birthing our children, to the giving of our time and support by being there for friends and family, or giving philanthropically. Everything for us, in every form, is a gift and the biggest blessings occurs to givers and those who are genuinely selfless.
5. Happiness:
Everyone wants to be happy. Your happiness directs your attitude and actions. When you aren’t happy, you display it in your body, your conversations, and your overall presence. You do less whether it’s for yourself or others. It affects your productivity and perspective. In a nutshell, happiness is important. Do whatever it takes to make yourself happy. That means that you may have to say no to people and things. I know it’s hard, but it’ll be for the best in the long run. When you claim your happiness, your true happiness that no one is in control of, you build a better you.
6. Cleanliness:
I don’t know about you, but for me, I feel so much better in a cleaner atmosphere. The way you look or the way your home, car, or any other belonging looks is a direct reflection of you. I know everyone does things differently, but no one can argue with the fact that being clean is better. It’s also been said that your surroundings are reflective of what’s going on in your life and can have an effect on your attitude. All in all, keep it clean ladies!!!!
7. Beauty:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so we don’t and won’t all look the same. However, we can’t deny the power that looking good has on us. When a woman looks good, she feels good. It’s just that simple. Everything could be going great in our lives, but we will feel incomplete if we don’t think that we look our best. It’s amazing what getting our hair done, our nails done, or a new outfit can do. When you’re confident in the way you look, you exude self-confidence, focus more, and will put your best foot forward!
8. Wisdom:
Wisdom is defined as “the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action.” Above all else, this is probably the most important quality. If you lack wisdom, you lack the ability to make good decisions, and it will affect everything you do in life. Think about it. Everything is a decision from the moment you get up, to the moment you go to sleep. Everything is a choice, and although it may seem monotonous and uneventful, making the wrong choice can set some things into motion that may change your life for the worst. Being able to be wise and use good judgement will propel you to the heights of your success, mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially.
Whether you embody a lot of these or only a few, be proud of yourself and continue to work on achieving the others. Little by little, you will truly evolve into a “wealthy woman!”
Stephanie Lee is a Lifestyle Mastery and Relationship Expert. Having a Masters in Psychology, she loves helping people with self-discovery and transformation in various areas of life; however, her passion is relationships. To reach Stephanie, visit www.iamsuccessfullyme.com.
Enjoyed it… thanks for the reminder to keep things in balance!