Ms. Geanine Wester
I can hardly believe that more than 8 years ago the Leadership Academy was just a myth. Less than 6 months later, we welcomed our first class of 20 amazing young ladies.
I am so proud of all the incredible accomplishments of each young lady and of our alumnae. I am proud of our mentors who work tirelessly month after month, with our young ladies to assist them in their endeavors. I am thankful to the EmpowHER Board and Team for their support. I am grateful for all of the families and communities that have supported our vision of creating a safe space to educate, to nurture, to empower and of course, to inspire this next generation of leaders in Palm Beach County and the world.
I was overcome with emotion seeing the first graduating class of leaders being accepted into universities and colleges in and around Florida as well as the United States. These young ladies are determined to make their mark in the world. I could not feel any more honored and proud of the work they have done to accomplish their goals and achieve their dreams of being powerful leaders.
I know it’s just the beginning. Each leadership class continues to strive for their personal best because that is all I ask of them for this great gift of leadership through exposure – their personal best. Each leadership class continues to bring positive change to their communities, their families and of course to themselves because what I know for sure is the Academy continues to be the key to transforming lives. I know too, that when you educate a young lady, she takes what she learns back to the community in which she lives. When you invest in a young woman, you are investing in the future. Each of these young ladies is a symbol and a beacon of light, of what is possible. One of the most rewarding things in my life has been to see them blossom at discovery and into the women I knew each could become when I first saw them.
Thank you to the leadership and to all who continue to support the Academy and EmpowHER. Our work continues.
EmpowHER Leadership Academy for Girls mission is to bring business and education together to empower high school junior and senior girls to become future women leaders through interactive relationships, innovative leadership and career shadowing and development.
Our Program Focus
We structure our work around central values: engagement, education, elevation, inclusivity, integrity, empowerment and fun.
Leadership Empowerment – Junior and senior high school girls will develop essential soft skills by networking with female business professionals; and by participating in business-focused workshops, seminars and training.
Academic Empowerment – Junior and senior high school girls will be asked to take a Florida Virtual School Leadership class that will explore options and create a personalized educational plan that focuses on leadership development. This will enable them to receive high credits.
Educational Programs – Junior and senior high school girls will create career portfolios, enhance their knowledge with world-recognized skills certifications, and have access to select college scholarships through essay writing.
Advocacy/Community Service – Junior and senior high school girls will work toward advocating for a selected cause/ issue by participating in awareness campaigns and case study promoting political leadership.
Leadership is not just a learned skill, a series of outcome, a career or a title. Leadership is about character; character that is attuned to its ethical responsibilities toward the development of others.
We bring the development of leadership to life with a focus on four core values:
COMPASSION – The Leadership Academy Girls are expected to demonstrate compassion for the less privileged, the vulnerable and others in need. This sense of compassion is made active through our advocacy projects and other activities that the girls undertake to offer assistance and support to their fellow human beings. These values underpin our expectations for the girl’s conduct. Disciplined and responsible behavior, coupled with an understanding of and respect for the rights of other academy participants are essential for the development of harmonious relationships in the Academy.
HONOR – Honor is the foundation upon which the Academy Girls’ thoughts, actions and interactions are based upon. Girls undertake their actions guided by a sense of trust, integrity and responsibility for the decisions they make.
RESPECT – Respect for the inherent dignity of every individual is a fundamental tenet of the Leadership Academy development. Respect must be manifested through an acceptance of the diversity of cultures, backgrounds, beliefs and ideas represented by members, leaders and the community in which we live.
SERVICE – Academy Girls are expected to develop a lifelong commitment to the service of the community. This commitment is actively nurtured through the Academy during our community engagement projects that aim to improve the lives and circumstances of individuals and communities.
We are a non-profit organization, founded in 2015, supporting diversity and will introduce a diverse group of junior and senior girls to organizations that are led by women executives and will focus on job shadowing, interview skills, resume writing, effective communication both verbal and written, career exploration and much more.

EmpowHER Leadership Academy for Girls will empower female students from various schools throughout the Palm Beach County District. The academy supports diversity and would introduce the junior and senior girls to organizations that are led by women executives and will focus on job shadowing, interview skills, resume writing, effective communication both verbal and written, career exploration and much more.
The Leadership Academy is free and open to twenty (20) young ladies thanks to the generous donations of our sponsors. The Leadership Academy will meet once a month during the Palm Beach County School District calendar beginning in September of 2017, with eight (8) planned business tours in the areas of Leadership Empowerment (leadership and branding), Political Empowerment, Economic Empowerment and Education Empowerment. Training will be provided by Palm Beach County’s Women Experts. The Leadership Academy participants will also be provided with a trip to Tallahassee to tour the Florida State Capitol. The tour would offer the girls an opportunity to meet face-to-face with legislators and learn more about the political process.
Upon completion of the program in May of 2018, participants will finish with a leadership certificate and community service hours to be awarded during our Student Achievement Awards Program.
Criteria to participate:
- Full-time student in Palm Beach County School System
- Grade Point Average (GPA) of a 2.8 and higher
- Essay describing why you feel you are a good candidate for this program.
- Two References

“It’s okay not to be okay but it’s not okay not to tell someone you are not okay.” The academy made 2,500 hand crafted bracelets to support mental health of student athletes in Palm Beach County Schools. The bracelets were hand delivered to students athlete at the following schools: Boca Raton Community High School, Atlantic Community High School, Lake Worth Community High School, Palm Beach Lakes Community High School, Park Vista Community High School, Palm Beach Gardens Community High School, Suncoast Community High School, Royal Palm Beach Community High School, Pahokee High School and Glade Central Community High School.
Donate a shoebox of toiletries here – deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, male hygiene products, mouthwash, lotions, wash clothes and towels, hair products, soap/body wash, facial wash, razors, body spray/cologne, baby wipes, deodorant, band aides, hand sanitizer and journals to express their most inner thoughts in an effort of releasing whatever is going on in their lives.
Supporting the efforts of Palm Beach County Community Service, Human Services Division, EmpowHER Leadership Academy for Girls donated more than 250 “Welcome Kits” for the 100 Youth in 100 Homes in 100 Days Challenge – Palm Beach County Homeless Coalition & Housing Alliance
For more information, contact EmpowHER of the Palm Beaches
by calling (561) 336-0498 or email us

In communities across America, the homeless live their days on the streets. As a society, we have helped countless homeless through donations of clothing and food. Yet, one article of clothing is often missed in donation piles and separately needed by this group.
SOCKS. Why socks?
- People very rarely donate new socks to the homeless.
- Since socks are worn almost all of the time, they can be worn and frayed from the wear and tear. Therefore, the number one needed clothing article is new socks from medical issues like bunions and hammertoes to infectious diseases like athlete’s foot and fungus, old socks only contribute to increasing damage to feet.
EmpowHER Leadership Academy for Girls determined that there was a need in our community and jumped into action with Project Sock ‘Em. The Academy donated nearly 2,400 pairs socks
to the Homeless Coalition Palm Beach County!
THANK YOU, CBS Channel 12, for featuring the story on the 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. news and their website!


“Leadership is My Tomorrow”, this resonates throughout our Academy with our students and leadership team. The resilience and dedication that our girls have, is remarkable. We strive to provide a nurturing educational environment for academically and politically strong girls who have the potential to grow into dynamic women leaders. Our future women leaders, in their chosen fields, will make their mark. You can help them make that mark by making a donation today. Become a partner in educating these young women leaders.
” If you educate a man you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman, you educate a family (nation).” African Proverb

The Leadership Academy is a recipient
of the 2017-2018 Great Ideas Initiative Grant
funded by Children’s Service Council
Please note that the EmpowHER of the Palm Beaches does not make donations to individuals or institutions. To find out how you can contribute to the Academy or fund a bursary for one of our students, please contact EmpowHER of the Palm Beaches at (561) 336-0498.