Mentor: Patti Hamilton
- What inspired you to want to work in the corporate arena? Building teams, serving customers and giving back to the community.
- What advice do you have for women that want to spark change? Communicate, collaborate and be inclusive. Conduct yourself with integrity and be passionate about what you do. If you are not passionate about it, move on.
- Tell us about a women mentor that had helped your journey. I never stop to think about my mentors by gender. I have been blessed beyond my imagination to have many mentors both men and women. Beyond my father Neal Webster who was my greatest mentor I would say my female mentor and second mom, and that would be Martha Fuce. Marty was my high school year book adviser when I was editor of my high school year book and she was my greatest advocate. She instilled in me that I could do and be whatever I wanted. She continues today to be my biggest cheerleader and supporter. Between the two of them they taught me not to see black or white, male or female, democrat or republican. They encouraged me to look at each individual for the unique qualities they brought to every situation..